
Sunday 18 September 2022

Lightnin' Hot Things at The Old Nun's Head in SE15


Lightnin' Hot Things, led by chef Martin, has now taken over the kitchen at The Old Nun's Head, a great pub in Nunhead, SE15, serving Tuesdays to Saturdays (& then the pub does its own Sunday Roasts).

I've long been a fan of Martin's food, which is typically seasonal British, making use of great meat, fish and produce.  When I visited a couple of weeks ago I had an excellent Denver steak (see pic), but was also very tempted by the moules mariniere, and the skate.

Looking forward to my next visit - this one s comparatively local for me!

When - Tuesdays to Saturdays (including lunch on Saturdays)

Where - The Old Nun's Head, 15 Nunhead Green, SE15 3QQ

Booking - Here


Lightnin' Hot Things on Instagram

The Old Nun's Head on Instagram 

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