
Tuesday 17 February 2015

Messhead's #FryHard 'We Fry Anything' Easter Pop-up at Boxpark

All photos (c) by Travis Hodges
Advance warning – you’re going to want to be in London over the Easter weekend,  as MessHead (Miss Cakehead and London Mess) are ‘frying tonight’ in their 'Fry Hard' pop-up at Boxpark.  They’ll be frying everything from Crème Eggs, Mars Bars, cheese strings, chocolate cake, crumpets…  (We'll have all been very abstemious over Lent, of course)  Bring your own, or get one from their selection, and they’re even asking for creative suggestions via Facebook.
The event takes place from Thurs 2nd April to Sunday 5th April, with two warm-up events on Columbia Road on Sundays 22nd & 29th March

All photos (c) by Travis Hodges
"Culinary renegades ‘messhead’ (a recently formed partership between Miss Cakehead and London Mess) are offering a totally unique eating experience this Easter, a pop-up venture where every single item on sale will be deep fried. Inspired by the iconic die hard movie this is truly a different Easter event - expect tied up Easter bunnies and blood splattered not pastel coloured eggs.

Opening at BOXPARK in Shoreditch on Thursday 2nd April at 11am – with lots of special offers on Good Fry-Day (Friday 3rd April) - Messhead have selected over 100 different items to deep fry, both sweet & savoury with the menu changing daily. His experiments so far have included deep frying cheese-strings, deep fried buttered crumpet, cheese filled hot cross buns and Tunnock’s Caramel. It’s a given that classics such as crème eggs and other popular confectionary will also included. 

All photos (c) by Travis Hodges
On Easter Sunday a fully fried Easter will be offered consisting of a whole fried lamb joint, roast potatoes, rosemary, carrots and sprouts, serving 6 this will need to be booked in advance. 

All photos (c) by Travis Hodges

Fry Hard can be found on the grass area at the corner of BOXPARK & Shoreditch High Street Station.

All photos (c) by Travis Hodges

All photos (c) by Travis Hodges
Prices start at just £1 and additional toppings such as whipped cream, hot chocolate sauce, salted caramel, whisky glaze, maple syrup and truffle honey will be available for additional charge.

Customers also been invited to suggest they would like to be ‘Fried Hard’ via their Facebook page, and items already suggested included a deep fried hot salt beef bagel, an entire pizza, deep dried donner kebab, haggis, chocolate croissant, bacon brownies, gummy bears and deep fried jaffa cakes. Suggestions can also be made on Twitter to @ldnmesschef and @miss_cakehead."

When - Thursday 2nd - Sunday 5th April 2015

Where - Boxpark, Bethnal Green Road, London, E1 6GY


Get directions with Citymapper

Link - Messhead on Facebook

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