
Sunday, 27 July 2014

Cornershop - the world's first knitted & handmade sweet shop near Columbia Road E2

For one month only a very special art project, Cornershop, is opening in Wellington Row, E2.  Artist Lucy Sparrow has recreated a corner shop, using entirely knitted and cloth items.  You can get an idea from her previous work on her site - looks like lots of fun.  It starts on Friday 1st with a launch party from 6pm, including free sweets...  Note that it's an art project, but things are on sale here

"Get 'felt up' at the cuddliest, Kookiest cornershop in the world
The fluffiest, furriest shopping experience imaginable
- In a lovingly restored abandoned cornership in E2 for a whole month
- Everything in the shop has been handmade over 7 months
- Sewing workshops in the shop for local community charities across the month
An art show truly worth making a fuzz about, Lucy Sparrow’s Cornershop is the fluffiest, furriest shopping experience imaginable. She’s filled a former derelict store in Bethnal Green with over 4,000 handmade felt versions of familiar grocery items - from fish fingers and cans of SPAM to sanitary towels and newspapers, rocket ice lollies and oven chips to ciggies, veggies, and what is most certainly the softest loo roll ever manufactured.
Every single thing inside the Cornershop – the till, the functioning pricing gun, the contents of freezers, the pick ‘n’ mix stand – is fashioned from fabric, and the whole lot took Lucy seven months to complete.
All her highly huggable versions of everyday essentials are for sale, but will stay in the store for a month, during which time a variety of sewing workshops will take place, designed to engage the local community (particularly individuals with autism and sectors often socially excluded) in relatable, accessible art that’s relevant to them and their neighbourhood and has been brought right to their doorstep. People can sign up to these workshops in the shop and group workshops for charities can be arranged through Lucy.
This exhibition has been supported by the Arts Council, Tower Hamlets Council and Kickstarter. The event is sponsored by Swizzel’s sweets."

Friday 1st August 2014 6pm-9pm
Sponsored by Swizzels, opening night will feature free sweeties, performances from GuerillaZoo

When - Friday 1st - Sunday 31st August
Daily from 10am to 7pm
Friday 1st August 2014 6pm-9pm
Sponsored by Swizzels, opening night will feature free sweeties, performances from GuerillaZoo

Where - 19 Wellington Row, London E2 7BB


CityMapper Link - see the best route from where you are now

Link 1 - The Cornershop blog
Link 2 - Sew Your Soul
Link 3 - Buy things from the shop

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