
Sunday 22 June 2014

Indie Ales' Independence Day American Craft Beer Tasting near Holloway Road

Indie Ales is back with another themed beer tasting event, this time American craft beers for Independence Day, 4th July, which conveniently falls on a Friday this year.  Start your weekend off with Charlie and his team, tasting several different beers, paired with American classics like sliders and wings.

"In an ironic role reversal, we are seeing a US invasion of our shores.... epic US beer that is! In this tasting we will be giving a big high five and a hearty back slap to our American cousins on the day of their independence.
'Craft' beer is already a popular phenomenon in the USA with brewers in all 52 States ripping up the classic old-world brewing play book. These guys have risen the bar in terms of adventure, creativity and down right in-your-face flavours and we love them for it.
Subtlety is not always their strong point, but is big always best? Does 'if it 'aint broke, don't fix it' still apply? We will answer these questions and more by working our way through six of the best beers to come out of The Land of the Free. Price includes mini sliders and buffalo wings paired with each yankee beer."

When - Friday 4th July, 6.30pm - 8.30pm

Where - Studio 8, The Islington Studios, 6 Hornsey Street, Islington, N7 8GR

Tickets - £28 from Edible Experiences here


Link - Tickets page

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