
Saturday 27 July 2013

Photo Review - Josh & Johnnie's 'Summer Tastes' 2 Day Pop-up in Whitechapel

In June I was lucky enough to be invited along to Josh & Johnnie's 2nd pop-up in Whitechapel.  This is a photo review of what we had.  It was a very good night, in terms of the venue, the food and the company; my friend Meike and I were placed on a table with Vince, and old family friend of J&J and he was excellent company.  You're pretty much guaranteed an entertaining night when you go to one of Josh & Johnnie's events.  See the email address at the bottom to book their next one, on Weds 31st July & Thurs 1st August.

Here are the courses:

Chicken scratchings + Cheese popcorn
 Duck Egg, Peas and Iberico ham

Baked Scallop + Clams

Baby Guinness - essentially a warm, beefy shot

Grans Stuffed Chicken

3 Spanish Cheeses

The Chocolate Bar - home made - photo taken after I'd attacked it a bit

Josh and Johnnie are next at The Bell in Whitechapel on 31st July & 1st August - go!

Location – The Bell Pub, 50 Middlesex Street, London E1 7EX

Cost - £35 per head from


Link - Josh & Johnnie

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