
Sunday, 19 May 2013

The Gin Garden at Arlington Square, Islington, for Open Garden Squares Weekend

The Gin Garden are taking part in Open Garden Squares Weekend on 8th & 9th June, hosting a cocktail bar in Arlington Square, Islington.  There are also lots of other events happening over the weekend - see the full programme here
Note that it's Sunday 9th June only for the Gin Garden - but the square will be open for Open Garden Squares on Saturday & Sunday

"Open Garden Squares Weekend is a magical two-day event, where community gardens and private squares throughout London welcome visitors from around the world. Gardens range from historical private squares to contemporary roof gardens, and barges. One ticket gives access to numerous gardens on both Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June 2013.  (Gardens open at various times, see for details).
Arlington Square
The Victorian terraces that surround Arlington Square, in a quiet conservation area of Islington, were completed around 1850. But the large, open rectangle in the middle only became a garden square in the early 1950s, when it was laid out by Islington council. Before that, it had simply been an unkempt open space, used during WW2 for trench shelters and barrage balloon moorings. 
The square today has large mature trees, shrubs, lawns, roses and other flowerbeds. A newly revitalised residents' association holds regular gardening sessions. Over the last two years volunteers have transformed the beds by digging in thousands of litres of compost and manure and planting more than 25,000 bulbs, plants and shrubs, as well as magnolias, acers, palms and a handkerchief tree. 
In 2012, with help from a Big Lottery Groundworks grant, locals transformed a neglected dump in the corner of the square into a popular small community garden with raised vegetable, herb, fruit and flowerbeds.
Arlington Square’s large and peaceful space is now much loved and appreciated by Islington residents. The ongoing restoration of the square by residents from the surrounding streets is a stirring example of how communal gardening can bring neighbours together and forge friendships."

When - Sunday 9th June only for the Gin Garden - but the square will be open for Open Garden Squares on Saturday & Sunday
Saturday 10:00–17:00 + Sunday 14:00–17:00

Where - Arlington Square, Eagle Wharf Road, N1 7EB

Tickets - £10 for all gardens & squares for the whole weekend from here

Link 1 - Arlington Square
Link 2 - Full list of gardens & events
Link 3 - The Gin Garden

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