
Sunday 17 March 2013

The Artist Dining Room Presents A 'Louise Bourgeois' Supper Club near Broadway Market

Guest Projects and Matthew Phelps of Funthyme Dining are back with a second dinner aiming to celebrate artists through the medium of food.  Having held one around the work of William Burroughs, in April it is the turn of Louise Bourgeois, including one course called 'A Castrated Cock'...

"Yinka Shonibare MBE's project space Guest Projects and chef Matthew Phelps of Funthyme Dining and Events have joined creative forces to hold a series of sensory tingling supper clubs which will be much more than just a feast for the palate, but for the eyes, ears, imagination and beyond.

The Artist Dining Room supper club at Guest Projects opens a space where creative minds can engage with the ideas of a well known artist through food. Chef Matthew Phelps of Funthyme Dining & Events will create a tailor made menu exploring the fundamental, social and intellectual content of the artists work, through the meal.
On this First Thursday, the second instalment of The Artist Dining Room will explore the life and works of Louise Bourgeois, through dining, discussion and visual installations, with a knowledgeable special guest host for the occasion.

Brown butter poached salsify wrapped in kataifi pastry and deep-fried. Served with wild garlic aioli and truffle powder The kataifi (angel hair pastry) represents the motherly web of Manan. Protecting the delicate salsify (the artist) inside.

Destruction Of The Father – A Castrated Cock
Roast capon, served whole at the table with potato, fennel and herb salad A capon is an old, castrated male chicken that is fattened for eating. The capon here represents the artist’s father who is eaten by his children in the famous installation ‘Destruction of the Father’. The guests become the children ‘destructing’ and devouring the capon. We can supply knives and carving forks for them to do this.
The name of the dish is also suitably feminist and angry! Vegetarian Main- Caramelised onion, tellegio and thyme tart to accompany the potato salad main course Fillette

Chocolate profiteroles, glazed banana and butterscotch sauce
Her most famous and most photographed “erotic” work is Fillette which playfully confuses genders. While it is obviously a 2ft-long phallus, it is comic and diminishing rather than commanding. Through presentation we can attempt something playful and similar with the profiteroles, banana and sauce. A fun and lighthearted end to the meal."

When - Thursday 4th April

Where - Shonibare Studio & Guest Projects, Sunbury House, 1 Andrews Road, London E8 4QL

Cost - £36.50 from here

Link 1 - The Artist Dining Room
Link 2 - Guest Projects

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