
Tuesday 11 December 2012

Shape Arts Pop-up Gallery in The City

The disabled artists' charity Shape has opened a pop-up gallery in the city, running until 21st December.

"SHAPE has an exciting and unique new Pop Up Gallery space in the heart of the City of London, at 40 Gracechurch Street, EC3V 0BT from now until 21st December.
Delivered in partnership with Photovoice, and Action Space with over 30 artists and 130+ works, Shape in the City has turned five floors of contemporary office space into a showcase of sculpture, prints, paintings, film and video, poetry, performance art and installations.
Shape's unique archive of ephemera from the Disability Arts movement, and Shape's digital Chronology of Disability Art will also be made available for research or general interest by appointment.
This ambitious multimedia space will bring the work of disabled artists to new audiences for a limited period only.
Drop in for a look around during your lunch break, or contact us if you would like to view by appointment and take your time."

Where - 40 Gracechurch Street, EC3V 0BT

When - Until spring 2013, Tuesday - Friday

Link - Shape Arts

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