
Sunday 21 August 2011

Coffee Saturday Pop-up Biscotti Bake-Off in Tottenham Court Road - NOW FINISHED

Daniel Young, of Young and Foodish organises lots of pop-up events - for example his legendary Burger Mondays (one of the inspirations for this blog).  I don't list the Burger Mondays on here, because they're always sold out within hours or minutes, but this new event will probably take longer to sell out.  I went to one of these bake-offs earlier in the year and it was excellent - you get great coffee & great biscotti, and you meet really friendly group of people.

"Join me, Tapped and Packed managing director Richard Lilley and fellow friends of young&foodish for great coffee and an Italian biscotti bake-off at the enchanting new Tapped and Packed coffee shop on Tottenham Court Road, near the Warren Street tube.
This, the second CoffeeSaturday pop-up, meets at No.114, as the coffee shop is identified, on the 3rd of September, anytime between 10:30am and 2:30pm.
The £5 ticket price includes an expertly prepared coffee of your choice, either a single-origin coffee brewed with a Hario V60 dripper or a Has Bean custom espresso (espresso,flat white or latte), and a tasting of Italian biscotti baked by me and a few other worthy competitors."

When - Saturday 3rd September 10.30am - 2.30pm

Where - Tapped & Packed, 114 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 5AH
Note - you need to buy a ticket in advance - you can't just turn up

Link - Event & Booking information

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